Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Earn with fiverr

Well this is question which you need to ask your self :) why ? Because at fiverr you can do work for 5$ so you need to offer some thing that is you are willing to for just 5$ so people can buy your product or any thing else you are offering and your offer is called a Gigs. So ask your self what you can do for 5$ ? There are few examples like i can write an article for 5$, i can sing a song to wish some one birthday, i can design some banner or logo, i can make video testimonial, i can make E book cover or i can do work on your web site for 5$ etc for examples of Gigs you may can visit fiverr for more information who and what kind of work people are offering so you can batter ideas.fiverr alternative for freelancer
Only 5$ enough ?
To be very hones i know for some people how can do great work 5$ or not enough but for starters or for little tasks and works yes enough and gays its really fun to work on fiverr and i enjoyed even to read people Gigs and offers lol.  if you want to make some extra bucks in spare time than have fun and Earn with fiverr

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